At the Pies Descalzos Foundation, we believe that conducting leadership training strengthens the learning processes of students, not only in the present and the immediacy of the project, but also in the future life of each one. We believe that developing their leadership skills; they will have more tools to take on work, social and family challenges.
That is why this year, we began an important alliance with the Metropolitan University; which aims to implement the School of Leadership Metropies with students of the I.E.D Pies Descalzos Foundation – Barranquilla. The main objective will be to strengthen the construction of the notion of citizenship, as well as the appropriation of community problems, forging a sense of community belonging and trust in new leaders.
In recent days, a rally was held as an opening event for the project. During this activity there were multiple recreational and reflective exercises that revolved around leadership: what it is, why it is important and how to be a good leader. Games of strategy, communication, confidence, cooperation, agility and a lot of team work were part of the programming.
We also believe in the opportunities, we believe if every girl and every boy has the possibility of accessing a quality education, it can compete equally in their youth and adulthood. Therefore, it is fundamental for us to create and implement projects that promote the necessary skills in the life of a human being, especially in social and work life. We want our students to be those leaders who change the world tomorrow.