From our intervention of Tools for Life, we are convinced that educational spaces are not only for children and young people enrolled in our educational institutions, but also for parents and the entire community that inhabits the neighborhoods where we intervene.
Through the partnership with the Educational Institution Eduardo Santos, we did the school for parents of this school, with the objective of reflecting about Sexuality in Adolescence. The thematic development of the day was in charge of the Psychology program of the Metropolitan University, the Department of Social Work of the Educational Institution Pies Descalzos and the team of the Ministry of Health.
In the development of the agenda, multiple activities were carried out related to the change of roles, perspectives, and empathy, all aimed at understanding the emotional dimension of the human being. With this series of activities it was possible to take the attendees to reflect on this complex theme while finding ways to assume it with the youth in their charge.
The healthy diet and healthy lifestyle habits were a thematic that also had an important place in the meeting. For the development of these issues we have the support of the Nutrition Faculty of the Metropolitan University, who spoke to parents about the assessments made and the causes and consequences of an inadequate diet.
The occasion was also used to discuss the Vitameal supplement and publicize the benefits of its consumption. For this purpose, the parents tasted several preparations based on the supplement, with rice, meat croquettes and juices. By this way, the objective was that they could taste the different ways of preparing it and know how to contribute to better nutritional conditions.
The parents were grateful for the opportunity to meet at the Pies Descalzos School in that occasion and on our part, we have the commitment to continue developing this type of meetings that benefit the family processes of La Playa´s community.