We Accompany The Processes Of Nutrition Improvement

At Pies Descalzos we are convinced that healthy nutrition is fundamental so that children can properly develop their abilities in the classroom.


“Malnutrition during pregnancy and childhood greatly affects people’s long-term learning ability.” *

At Pies Descalzos we are convinced that healthy nutrition is fundamental so that children can properly develop their abilities in the classroom. We also know that, as research has shown, “hunger greatly reduces opportunities for people and countries, and therefore slows development, leading to deaths, mental retardment and growth.”*

Because of this, and working for a generation to which we want to provide with all the opportunities, that we have allied with the Nourish the Children Foundation; to ensure, that children at our intervention areas, have a nutritional program where not only they are followed up, but also guided with a  health and self-care culture as a  main objective.

During the school year, size and weight measurement days are held at Pies Descalzos Schools. And from then on, visits are made to the homes of children who are thin or overweighed; this in order to walk with them along the nutrition processes. Also during these visits, a multivitamin supplement called VitaMeal is given to compliment the family’s diet; Along with the supplement, a cookbook is delivered with recipes of the region’s typical dishes, taking VitaMeal as the main ingredient.

The measurements that have been done have shown us that in terms of nutrition, the students of Quibdó are the most negatively affected. There 88% of the student population presented nutritional problems during the year 2016. That’s why children start their school day taking juice based on the multivitamin VitaMeal.

Today we would like to thank Nourish The Children and the donors who make this nutritional project come true. We want children and young people in Colombia to have access to a quality public education, where nutrition is a vital part of a comprehensive set of educational processes and tools.

*(UNICEF. El Hambre y el Aprendizaje. 2006)
